LoopIT! Open Casting Call

If you'd like to audition for a speaking roll, narrator, or recap reader, copy/paste and fill out the following form into an email, along with an audio file of you speaking the dialog below. You can audition for any of the three categories, or all three, just make sure you fill out the appropriate sections. We're going to build a voice binder of interested people so Aaron can quickly audition voices for parts. None of the form questions will disqualify you, we just want a quick reference. For example, the obscenity/profanity question won't disqualify you if you're a great reader, we just want to know what TYPES of stories to consider you for.

Also, anyone who wants to send us zombie sounds, moan and groan into the mic, and send those in too, we'll give you a link and a mention. Our zombies are getting stale.

-Form Start-
Webpage: (for linking you once we get the cast pages back up)
Turnaround time: One Week [ ] Two Weeks [ ] Three Weeks [ ]
(Only fill out the following if you want to be considered for a speaking/character roll.)
I can comfortably commit to: One Episode [ ] Multiple Episodes [ ] A Season [ ] Indefinite [ ]
I believe I can successfully voice act: Happy [ ] Sad [ ] Angry [ ] Terrified [ ] Evil [ ]
How comfortable are you with obscenity/profanity:
I specifically want to be considered as a Good Guy [ ] Bad Guy [ ]
(Only fill out the following if you want to be considered to read narration on an entire story.)
How many pages are you comfortable reading:
How comfortable are you with obscenity/profanity:
(Only fill out the following if you want to be considered as a recap reader.)
Are you familiar enough with the show to write your own recap, or would you like us to write it for you:
-Form End

And for the audio file, include the following in ONE audio file. Just cut them back to back so we can roll right through if you're auditioning for all three.

(Only add the following if you want to be considered for a speaking/character roll.)
ONE cut of each of the following. The tone we'd like you to use proceeds the line.

(Angry) Just who the hell do you think you are?
(Afraid) Just a little further, OK?
(Casual) Toss me a smoke, would you?
(Terrified) Get away from me!
(Cool) You know what I think? I think I got you dead to rights.

(Only add the following if you want to be considered for a narrator/story read)
Read the following poem any two ways you'd like. Just make them slightly different.

"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away"

(Only add the following if you'd like to be considered as a recap reader.)
We like when people write their own recaps, so if possible, write 30 seconds or so where you describe a favorite part of the One Eighteen story. If you'd prefer it be scripted, that's OK too, just read the following.

"With Emmet desperate for his medicine, Jonas decides to go over the wall, with the help of Franks. Thinks are going well until Willie Fetch appears in the watchtower with his rifle, but through a mix of logic and manipulation, Jonas keeps him from shooting."

Send your cut with an email of your form to "118migration AT gmail PERIOD com"